Mary's Journey

A blog to honor our loving wife, mother and "Grammy" we love so dearly

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008

I just have to let everyone know how amazing my Mom is! Dad, Emily, and I went to the Cancer Center w/ Mom this morning. I have to admit, my stomach was in knots all morning not knowing what to expect. This whole ordeal has stirred a ton of emotions - sadness, fear, anxiety, relief, worry, the list goes on...... Anyway, Mom has to go in every week to have a "draw" (they take her blood), and then her count determines whether or not she needs an injection. Today she needed two injections and will have to have another tomorrow. What agony! Anyone who knows me knows that I am terrified of needles - Emily calls me a wimp. It's totally a psychological thing, but I cannot handle it! So, that alone would be it for me! But not Mom. She is so brave! I don't know how she is handling all of this as well as she is. She is truly amazing. I am so proud of her.
Today really magnified the reality of cancer and the effect it has on the patient and their loved ones. I saw so many cancer patients this morning - mothers & daughter, mothers & sons, husband and wives, etc..... I felt sad, but hopeful that these cancer patients are getting the medicine they need to heal their illnesses.
My Mom has always been the "glue" that has held this family together and even now she continues to do so. My Mom is my best friend - the first friend I ever had - and words cannot express how much I love her and admire her. Mom, you are my hero!
Dad, you are doing such an amazing job taking care of "your patient". I am so proud of you because I know that it is not easy. It is very hard to watch Mom go through this. I know it's tiring and emotional, but just know that you are doing an excellent job and that I cannot thank you enough for taking such great care of my Mom. I love you! God has truly blessed me with the best parents anyone could ever hope for! Thank you!
I love you both and pray for God's healing & strength everyday.


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